Develop and Deploy Python Applications with Docker
Jun 29, 2019
Dockerize all the Things!
If you've read anything on this blog you will know I am all about docker and I am all about world domination with distributed computing, particularly with Python Applications.
This week marks something new for me. I've written plenty of documentation, oodles of Power Point presentations with accompanying in-person training. This is the first for me to start recording myself for video, and it was an exciting start! It feels a bit silly, because there are probably millions of people on YouTube or other video formats by now, but it was a first for me.
Check it out over here on the NEW Dabble of DevOps Youtube channel!
More Python + Docker Resources
If you want to see a deeper dive on building python applications in Docker containers check out my Develop a Python Application in Docker and Deploy to AWS series.
Please watch, comment, share, and let me know what you think!
Happy teching!