Let's Deploy your Bioinformatics HPC Cluster on AWS

Optimize Costs and Minimize Human Intervention

Bioinformatics analyses require varied computational resources. During an alignment, you may need 20 compute nodes, and during variant calling or QC only 5. If you want to optimize your analyses and cut down on costs you want to take advantage of elastic capabilities on AWS, meaning that resources scale up and down as needed. 

The Problem

Maybe you have been working on a single server and that you've outgrown, or maybe you are manually bringing EC2 server instances up and down based on demand, or you want to future proof your business or startup.

The Solution

We will work together in order to create a cluster with your needs in mind.

  • Create a cluster with a SGE, PBS, or SLURM scheduler using AWS ParallelCluster. Jobs are submitted, nodes come up, jobs complete and nodes come down.
  • Configure mounted EFS storage available to not only your cluster, but any servers or EC2 instances.
  • Configure users and groups to restrict access to certain files.
  • Configure other services such as FTP, SFTP, web browsers, RStudio Server instances, Jupyterhub Notebooks, etc.
  • Install software to a centralized environment available to all users.

Free Initial Consult

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